Massage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapy can help you with your aches and pains through a variety of therapeutic modalities such as:
Myofascial Release - Is a hands-on technique without the use of oils or lotion that works to stretch, relax, lengthen and realign your fascia, the body's stretchy, web-like film that covers and separates every muscle in the body. Found directly between the skin and muscle, fascia should be flexible and stringy, as well as very strong.
Gua sha - is a traditional Chinese healing method in which a trained professional uses a smooth-edged tool to repeatedly stroke your skin while applying pressure. This motion raises small, red dots that show under your skin called petechiae. People use gua sha to treat chronic pain all over their body, break up adhesions and release tension in fascia and muscle tissue. A more relaxing version without causing skin change is done to the face as relaxation treatment to improve lymphatic and sinus drainage.
Hand Reflexology - is a massage technique that puts pressure on various reflex points around your hands. The belief is that these points correlate to different body parts and that massaging the points can help to relieve symptoms in other areas of the body.
Swedish Massage - is one of the foremost common and effective massage therapy modalities. It is a combination of light to firm gliding strokes, integrated with stretching and ranging of the joints, it's a process that promotes total relaxation and muscle tension release
Deep Tissue Massages - are used to break up scar tissue and break down muscle adhesions (the “knots” that we feel in our muscles are muscle adhesions, which are bands of rigid and painful muscle tissue). These knots can inhibit our circulation and cause pain and inflammation.