Kaley Strachan, MPT
Kaley Strachan is a Registered Physiotherapist with a Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of British Columbia and a Bachelors of Physical Education from the University of Alaska Anchorage.
As a national level gymnast and then cross country and track runner, Kaley has experience in sports and rehab from both an athletic and health professional perspective. She takes interest in treating a wide variety of conditions from sports and work injuries, fall prevention, prenatal and postnatal care, neurological conditions and general health and well being.
Kaley is trained in the following:
Neurokinetic Therapy which assesses for compensation patterns and overuse
Anatomical Neuropathic Intramuscular Stimulation (AN-IMS) which is a dry needling technique to alleviate pain and muscle tension
Soft Tissue Release
Chronic pain management
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Bobath Technique for neurological conditions
Mulligans Upper Extremity Mobilizations with Movement.
In her spare time, Kaley enjoys hiking, camping, fishing, gardening and working on home improvements with her growing family.